The purpose of preparing this pamphlet is to make form four students aware of how questions
arise in exams especially in section C and
to answer those questions better, so they will succeed if they really study in
this pamphlet.
work could not have been done without the help of my fellow teachers and staff
here at LONDONI SECONDARY SCHOOL. I am grateful for their contributions to this
project. I hope that each year we can
update and improve this pamphlet every year so that our school and other can
continue to grow academically.
No person is permitted to make copies of any part of this pamphlet
without consent from SHAFII JUMA MKONDE.
CIVICS-Shafii mkonde (master of preparing
conference of 1884/1885 was a meeting of 14 imperialist nations to discuss
terrorist disputes in Africa. The meeting was held and chaired by Chancellor
Otton Von Bismarck in Berlin Germany from November 1884 to February 1885 and
included representatives from united states and such European nations as
Germany, Britain and French.
conference helped European countries to prevent war that would have occurred
due to scramble for colonies through adopting principles or resolution as
of notification;
whereby every imperialism nation that claimed any part of African territory was
supposed to notify the other powers or nations that had signed the treaty as to
avoid disputes among themselves.
of effective occupation;
European nations could not just claim African territory but had to actually
occupy and administer the land. Therefore, the nations that have ability to
occupy and control were allowed to do so.
of navigation;
All navigable all navigable rivers in Africa like Congo, Niger and Nile were to
be open to all ships not just those of colonial power through whose land the
river passed.
Leopold power were allowed to rule Congo; where river Congo was left to be free zone for all
nations. In this case the basin was an internationally highway.
European power that occupied a part on the coast should further extend its
sphere of influence;
from the coastal regions to the interior and draw political boundaries after
claiming on the neighboring interior.
Slavery and slave
trade were to end in all European colonies; This was done so as to avoid misunderstanding
between the abolitionist and the supporters of the slave trade.
In summary, can be
concluded that berlin conference resolved the international reveries and
avoided the possibility of the imperialist powers to enter into war during the
scramble for Africa
How was migrant labor beneficial
to the capitalists during the colonial period? Limit your response to six
labor is a worker that moves systematically from one region to another offering
service on temporary usually seasonal basis. During colonial period the
capitalists applied migrant labor system whereby workers were taken or migrated
from different regions to work in their projects like Kigoma to Tanga and
Morogoro to work in sisal plantations established by Germans. Migrant labor was
beneficial to the capitalist during colonial period in the following ways;
was cheap for production;
This is because migrant labors were paid low wages. They were ready to receive
low wages which was not enough for their substance and they had no opportunity
to negotiate their wages thus colonialists dictated their wages and this was
done intentionally to make them work for long period of time.
was a source of market for European finished goods; The colonialists brought
finished goods like iron, sheets, clothes, utensils, wine and valueless items
which were bought at the end of the month.
labors worked for a long time; labors
lacked time to engage in other economic activitiesfor example they worked from
morning to evening hours with minimal resting hours.
was easy to maintain divide and rule;
since they were organized on the basis their tribes and regions, thus boycotts
and riots could not easily occur as a result capitalist went on smoothly.
was source of earnings;
Almost all of their wages spent in paying the colonial taxes and were deducted
directly from their earnings.
labors were easily maintained because they were picked in dormitories and cubic
houses; labors
had no chance to go to other places of interests instead they remained in those
dormitories after working hours.
In short migrant labor plays a very big role to the exploitation of African resources and development of capitalism among the capitalist nations during and after colonial period.
3. Elaborate six factors that contributed to the occurrence of Mfecane during the 19thcentury.
was a series of Zulu and other Nguni wars, set in motion by the rise of Zulu military
kingdom under Shaka in the 19th Century that changed the
demographic, social and political set up of southern and central Africa and
parts of eastern Africa. Below is an attempt to explain the factors that
contributed to the occurrence of Mfecane as elaborated below;
pressure; this
is due to the favorable climate and absence of diseases in the Zulu land, the
population increase led to the occurrence of conflicts between those societies,
hence outbreak of Mfecane.
of profitable trade;
this happened at Delagoa Bay being associated with acquisition of guns that
could be used for conquest and expansion, therefore every society wanted to
dominate that trade whereby at the end of the day it led to the occurrence of
of land for farming and settlement;
the occupants of Zulu and were farmers but as population increased the land
became limited leading to struggle over land that contributed to the outbreak
of the Mfecane.
Slavery; this was also one of the factors
that led to the occurrence of Mfecane, and this was participated by Portuguese
and also was aided to the emergence of Mfecane. African were not ready to be
enslaved as a result they started running away from the slavery raiders. The tension
increased among the society members hence Mfecane was inevitable.
of the Boers from the cape of south Africa to the interior; this intensified the pressure on
the land that led to conflicts which caused the Mfecane.
Aggressive and expansionist policy of Shaka; this happened when shaka attacked many states in the attempt of expanding his state. This created conflicts which contributed to the outbreak of Mfecane.
In summary, there are many factors contributed to the occurrence of Mfecane war some of them are population pressure, Slavery, shortage of land and the like.
4. “African countries have been suffering socially, economically and politically as a result of being members of the united Nations “Explain six reasons to justify this statement.
The United Nations is an international organ formed after the end of the Second World War by big powers like USA, The UK, USSR, China and France in 1945 so as to prevent the occurrence of another world war.
Many independent
African countries joined the UN but they have been suffering socially,
economically and politically as a result of being members of the united nations
due to the following reasons.
The big powers
control international market;
this happen by arranging the prices of African commodities mainly raw material that
are sold at every low price which cannot support their economic development.
Control of African
politics by introducing many political features; like multipartism which
increases chaos in Africa, therefore a lot of resources are used by Africans to
solve conflicts instead of building their nations.
Big powers control
African education systems; by
introducing theirs that do not suit to African to Africa environment and needs,
example college and university curriculum is adopted from the developed
countries like USA and UK.
Provisions of loan
at high rate to developing countries;
like Africa by using world bank and international monetary fund draw back the
development of African states because they keep on paying debts instead of
developing their nations.
Deaths occur to
Africans during peace keeping in the fighting societies; Some African soldiers under such
security council join the armies against those seemed to disturb peace in the
countries concerned.
Big powers undermine African technology; this happens just by importing manufactured goods in Africa and restricting Africans from innovating things by using the conditions of UNICEF. Every scientist innovation or discovery done by Africans must be approved by the united nations.
Generally African
countries will continue suffering socially, economically and politically as a
result of being members of the united nations if they don’t take necessary
measures to escape from such suffering.
5. In six points, explain the importance of museums to national development
Museums are places or
buildings where information and objects are involves all terms
shows culture, political, economic and technological development from the past
to the present. Objects can be early coins, clothes, mineral cowries, religious
and ceremonial symbols. Museums can be national museums, regional, district and
village. example of national museums is in Dar as salaam, Bagamoyo, Butiama,
Kalenga-Iringa. The following are the importance of museums to national
Improvement of
relationship among the community;
museums bring about exchange cultural ideas between participating societies and
countries this brings about an improved international co-operation among the
nations while widening the mental horizons of travelers. Exchange of cultural
appreciate the cultures of each. It also improves relationship between
Museums generate income: tourist from different countries
visit our museums with payment. Also, private sectors and individual person
build restaurants and hotels for tourist. Therefore, museums help people to get
Development of
pupils visits different places where information and objects are preserved for
the purpose of learning. This helps them to get a lot of information’s that not
written in books.
It helps to create
employment opportunities;
Many people have been employed to guide tourist in museums centers and others
sell different things to tourist. Therefore, through museums the well-being of
people improves.
Promote unity; for a people to live in peace
and happiness there must be unity. Museums promote unity in the society by
using their resources to ensure understanding and appreciation for the various
groups and cultures that exist in the society.
It helps to
identify culture;
museums have led to the identification of unique cultural heritage which is
normally expressed in the form of festival colours, art, music, dances,
literature and religion significance.
In summary, there are many importance of museums some of them are the big powers control international market, Big powers control African education systems, promote unity, it helps to identify culture and the like.
6. Examine six effects of Majimaji uprising in Tanganyika
Majimaji resistance
was a large-scale resistance which occurred in 1905-1907 between the southern
Tanganyika societies against German was organized by a leader known as
Kinjeketile Ngwale. The Africans resisted German brutal/harsh rule and
exploitation along the southern part of Tanganyika. The following are the
effects of majimaji uprising;
The colonial
government made positive change on the side of Africans, the Africans were no longer
forced to work, they would choose to work or not.
The majimaji
resistance gave a lesson to the future life of Tanganyika’s; forces were used in all aspects
since forces do not always give fruitful results.
Brutal system of
and Akidas was replaced by young men from mission schools this had improved the
system of administration.
Depopulation; fighters and common villagers
died in the war due to this resistance.
Large scale migration; Africa migrated from the areas
affected by war, they were looking for asylum for their survival.
Large femines and
starvations broke out among the African communities; this led to many deaths of many
people in southern parts of Tanganyika.
In summary, there are many effects of majimaji uprising some of them are depopulation, large scale migration, brutal system of administration and the like.
7. Assess six main features of colonial trade and commerce in Africa.
Colonial Trade is the trade between the imperialist states and
the colonial and dependent countries; The chief components
of colonial trade were the slave trade and the sale of
poor-quality wares at high prices in the colonies. The following are the
features of colonial trade and commerce in Africa;
Colonial production was based on coercion;
The colonial economies were supering imposed and the Africans were forced to
produce for export rather than for their own consumption.
It was based on exploitation of raw materials; such as
minerals and agricultural products. Valuable raw materials were collected in
different parts of Africa and exported to Europe.
Money become the means of trading; before
colonial trade and commerce the Africans exchanged goods by goods. The system
ended up after the establishment
It established marketing boards;
these were established for the purpose of controlling trade transaction and
prices of the commodities among the member of nations.
It was based on creation of storage facilities; the
colonialist built several storage facilities in production centers in order to
keep raw materials before transporting to their nations for manufacturing.
The dominant of colonial traders were Arabs and Indians in East Africa
and Syrians and Lebanese in west Africa; African were as market but
not suppliers or owners of the trade terms.
In summary, there are many features of colonial trade some of them are Colonial production was based on coercion, it was based on creation of storage facilities, Money become the means of trading, it established marketing boards and the like.
8. “East Africa was affected by the coming of Oman rulers in Zanzibar from 1840s”. Discuss this statement by giving six points.
Points for how Africa
was affected by coming of Oman rulers in Zanzibar from 1840s
Africa towards economies
of African resources,
e.g. ivory, gold and animals were taken away
of African culture,
the African changed the way of worshiping, wearing as the results of the coming
of Arabs
of man power,
slave trade in Zanzibar decreased man power in Zanzibar because traders
captured the abled bodies people who were essential for production, the weak,
children and aged people were left behind while they could not even to work
of new crops, these
crops were very useful to African because they provided food stuffs as well as
cash crops such as coconut, palms, rice, millet, wheat, cloves, sugarcane
of money economy,
In east Africa coastal cities coins were minted and used as medium of exchange
therefore the use of currency replaced barter trade system.
Conclusion: any relevant
9. With concrete example, assess six problems facing the current East African Community.
Six problems facing
the current East African Community
of common language,
the members of East African Community use different language in communication
but some of them are not capable to use English language as international
language e.g. Tanzanian are very smart at Swahili but not for the other
language this make some Kenyan to hate integration
attack, this has
become a big problem to east Africa community especially Kenya which is
frequently attacked by terrorist from Somalia. The problem create insecurity
among the east African community to visit Kenya.
of the partnership state in other regional organization,for example Tanzania is also
member of SADC while Kenya and Uganda member of COMESA.
of economy among the members,
members fear strong economy such as Kenya are likely to enjoy more benefits
from the organization.
rustling, this involve
border communities in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania have also been another
challenge confronting the organization
Assess six effects of economic
interaction among the people of
Africa during pre-colonial Africa.
Effects of economic interaction
among the people of Africa during pre-colonial Africa.
of towns and cities:
trading activities stimulated the emergence of urban centers along the trade
natures and centers. Areas that produced commodities in west,North,and East
Africanbecome remarkable urban center; example Taghaza,Timbuktu,Gao,Kumbisaleh
in west Africa Alex and Rial in Tripoli and Cairo in North Africa Malindi,
Mombasa, Bagamoyo, Zanzibar, Tabora and ujiji in East Africa.
of Africa to the external world, the
Africa coast and interior invaded to the outside the world. People were
engaged trading activities and slowly created trading contacts with Europe.
of classes, the
interactions of people on Africa resulted into classes of the rich and poor,
those who engaged in that trade were economically strong than those who didn’t
decrease of man power,
Many people in the western Sudan and east Africa interior were captured as
slaves to meet the high demands of slaves by long distances and trans Sahara
exploitation of African resources,
trade terms such as ivory, gold, copper and animal skins supplied within Africa
and later outside world. Later on, those resources were highly demanded by the
outsiders like Asia and Europe. therefore, traders took them to outside world
of large quantity.
of agricultural production,
due to good manufacturing and use of better tools and high demands of food
stuffs, cash crops and animals’ products became very important among Africans.
History is the study
of the past, present so as to predict the future. History is importance to our
daily life due to the following reasons, mainly are as follows: -
History reminds us
about our past ancestors,
normally history depicts our past ancestors where behaved as heroes in the
societies for examples history tells us about the biography of our great heroes
like kinjeketile Ngwale, Isike, MangiSina, Mambugo and kabaka Mutesa.
History traces
about the early civilization,
History is the father and mother which bounded with the concertation bag of the
civilization. Normally history tells us the early civilization ever happened on
this planet for examples history depicts the civilization of mesotamia,
Egyptian civilization and Europe.
History traces the
origin man, history
is a cover of the content of materials that expounding the nature of human
being and their development for example, history traces the first human beings
like zinjathropus what is called evolution of man.
History shows the
early organization, History
tells us about the early political organization existed in Africa. The history
of Africa continent is the product of core history of Africa how expounded the
nature of the society, communities and their political organization for example
the kingdom of buha, mirambokingdom, korogwe kingdom etc.
History helps us
to know level of development of different stages, e.g. Hunting and gathering
History helps people to know various methods used to make productive tools, such as spears, arrows, axes, knives that could be used today in different social and economic activities
In summary there are many significances of studying history some of them are history reminds us about our past ancestors,History shows the early organization,history helps us to know level of development of different stages,history traces the origin man and the like.
Assess six contributions made by
discovery of fire to the
development of human being.
The discovery of fire refers to a period whereby man started to adopt and taste new technology of controlling the nature and his life. The discovery of fire is said to be the great period even man passed due to logic that man started or discovered fire out of mind. The following were contributions made by discovery of fire to the human development;
permanent settlement
production in agricultural activities
the growth and increase of population
led to increase contentment among the communities
facilitated people to think about communal organizations.
development to human being.
CONCLUSION: Any relevant
13. Critically examine six effects of the legitimate trade in west Africa
Trade in west Africa
dealt with the exchange of imported goods from Europe such as clothes, flour,
drinks, motor vehicles, sugar. The trade facilitated the export of cash crops and
minerals to metropolitan powers so as to feed their industries in capitalist
countries. There were effects that brought by legitimate trade in west Africa.
The following are the effects of the legitimate trade in west Africa.
Creation of state
authorities. The
introduction of authorities such as the police, prisons and judicial systems. The
introduction of these system aimed at making sure that Africans produce new raw
materials and work as cheap labour settler’s farms, railways and plantation.
Introduction of
money economy.
The barter system was replaced by use of money which was used for exchange with
goods. Through the use of money African had to produce more crops so that they
could get money for living.
The rise of cash
crops production,
Due to the existence of trade that facilitated the colonial economy Africans
began the production of cash crops such as coffee, cotton, tea and cocoa which
was largely produced in Ghana.
Introduction of
new means of transport and communication systems, railway, harbours, waterways,
roads were constructed to facilitate exploitation of African wealth through
transporting cash crops and minerals to Europe.
Decline of African
local handcraft and industries,
colonialist introduced strict rules that discouraged African to work in their
industries in order to avoid competition against manufactured goods that were
imported from Europe.
Intermarriage and introduction of
new culture,
especially Asians Indians during
the trade Asians came for the
Intention of working or trading.
In summary, there are many
effects of legitimate trade in west Africa
handcraft and industries,Introduction of new means of transport and communication systems and the like.
14. “Colonial health system was discriminative” Substantiate this statement by giving six points.
Colonial health
system was the system that provided medical services to the Whiteman and the
laboring Africans. There was construction of government and missionary
hospitals and dispensary in colonies. The colonial health system was
discriminative for the following points: -
hospitals/dispensaries were built in urban areas, e.g. Kilimanjaro,Mbeya,Tanga and bukoba.
The system did not focus on helping all people in all focused on
civil servants, settlers, African labourers, peasants and other in colonial
system so as to maintain labour power.
The health system
encouraged classes,
the white servants, settlers and managers go high health quality while the Africans,
labourers, peasants, clerk got lower health services.
The colonial
health system had religions biases.None Christians African could not
get health services from hospitals which under missionaries.
The colonial
health system employed doctors,
Medical assistants from Europe and left to Africans serving sweepers,
dispensers, and other lower rank workers.
traditional medicines were destroyed,
traditional medicines were replaced by western medication hence killed the
development of African traditional herbs. This led to the expansion of markets
for western medices industries.
Was gender discriminative, the colonial health system was gender discriminative and based on obedience and submiss
Conclusion: Any relevant
Collaboration was a way of reacting against imposing of colonial rule where by African societies cooperated with Europeans invaders. African societies used the method to oppose colonial rule by welcoming or making cooperation with the colonialists against indigenous(fellow) enemies and conducting treaties so as to get support and preserve their interests against their enemies. The following are the reasons for the Africans to collaborate with Europeans during colonial invasion;
Support to conquer
their neighboring rival societies; e.g.
chief marealle of marangu Kilimanjaro collaborated with Germans to conquer his
enemy Mangi sina of kibosh.
Influence from
missionary activities in territory influenced some African leaders to
collaborate with Europeans e.g. Lewanika in Zambia was influenced by a
missionary francoiscoillard to seek British protection.
Natural disaster; some societies in Africa suffered
a lot with natural calamities such as drought, floods hunger etc. which made
them weak politically hence collaborating with colonialists to get relief or
To get military
support; e.g.
Nambongomumia of wanga and kabaka Mutesa collaborated with the British to get
strong arms.
Poor leadership; some societies decided to
cooperated with colonialists because they had poor or weak leaders who were not
militant confident to fight against colonial rule.
Ignorance; ignorance of some Africans especially rulers(leaders) who did not understand the mission(intension) of colonialists through given gifts, fooled and persuaded them to sign bogus tr
In summary, there are many reasons for the African to collaborate Europeans during colonial invasion some of them are Support to conquer their neighboring rival societies, Natural disaster, Poor leadership, Ignorance and the like.
16. Explain six advantages of the discovery of iron to African societies
discovery of iron refers to a situation where by man changed from
darkness to light and started to control
the nature surrounded him.
The discovery of iron trended worldwide,
started in Asia continent
and spreaded throughout the world as argued by the scholars.
facilitated to the growth of in Africa most of kingdoms arose after the
discovered of iron where some societies made military tools like spears,
knives, pangas and other tools.
It spearheaded to the growth of trade; the discovery of iron
facilitated to the growth of trade among communities engaged with iron smelting
examples the chaga in Tanganyika were iron smattering nature used tools to
exchange with honey from Tabora, central region of Tanganyika.
the growth of agricultural activities,
discovery of iron investigated the development of agricultural activities to
some societies were engaged with smelting example in Tanganyika the chaga and
pare were famous in producing iron tools which later used in agriculture
to permanent settlement,
through this people started to live at the permanent area examples of the community
were chaga, yao, and pare in Tanganyika.
to the growth of population,
especially African societies in central east Africa and west Africa the number
of people increased suddenly.
Growth of town, example Nok, axum etc
In summary,there are many advantages
of Irion technology some of
them are It facilitated to the
growth of organizations, Led to
permanent settlement, Growth of
town, it spearheaded to the
growth of trade and the like.
Interaction was a state in which people from one community got into contact with another. Before colonialism, African community had social and economic interaction. The following are social factors for early interaction in African such as: -
Migration; East African belonged to four
main language groups namely the Khoisan, the Cushitesh,
the Nilotes and Bantu. these early groups interacted with large community
such as Cushitesh, the Nilotes and Bantu. Community that began setting in East
Africa from first century A.D. The remnant of them included Sandawe and Hadzabe
of Tanzania and the Okiek (Dorobo) Of Kenya.
Wars;for instance, Buganda conquered Bundu,
Karagwe andBusoga to expand their kingdom by 1839.
Religion; religion beliefs were taken
seriously and affected ever phase of life. There was variety of religious
activities in pre colonial Africa. These include burial rites purification,
rituals naming of ceremonies and to bless soldiers before they went to war.
Example the bushmen of Congo held prayers before going to hunt.
Music and dances; for example,Mdundiko among the
Zaramo and Sindiko among the of Makonde were played or Sang While cleaning
fields, sowing and harvesting.
Medicine; for instance, kinjeketile
Ngwale of southern Tanzania. Most of the medicine was extracted from Plant
roots. Those who practiced medicine interacted with many members of the
Marriage; for instance, in Buganda the kabaka married from different clans in order to enhance political units in the kingdom.
In summary, there are many factors that led to early interaction in African societies some of them are Migration, Medicine, Wars, Religion and the like
18. “Missionaries prepared Africa for European colonization “Discuss
Missionaries are the agent of colonialism and were the second group of colonial agents. Missionaries had several organized societies which operated in East Africa between 1840 and 1914.The following were the ways on how missionaries prepared Africa for European colonization;
spreaded Christianity in Africa;
spread of Christianity reduced protest power of the people due to different
teachings of Christian believe.
of slave trade in Africa;
Missionaries had conception that Christianity most part of Africa, the slave
trade and slavery which would be destroyed through propagation of the gospel.
of health and harmonious atmosphere for the enhancement of the so called
trade that included cultivation of cocoa, cotton and others.
set up medical and health services in Africa; in Tanzania they built K.C.M.C in Moshi,
Kilimanjaro and educated catechistic who undertook the responsibility of
Christianizing the Africans.
brought colonial education; trained people who will work their plantations.
Therefore, the legacy of Christian missionaries lives up to this south Africa most of the leaders who participated in the fight for independence were educated by missionaries or schools built by missionaries. To this day schools set up by missionaries continue to play a pivotal role in the education of the children in southern Africa.
19. Explain six differences between direct and indirect rule.
Indirect rule was the administrative system used by British on their subjects. Direct rule was administrative system where the colonialist ruled their subject using direct appointed and trained administrators. The following are the difference between indirect and direct rule.
rule was used by the German while indirect rule was used by British.
rule did not use local chief while indirect rule used was used by local
rule faced much resistance while indirect rule did not face much
rule was much difficult to manage because of language problems while
indirect was easy to manage.
rule created puppet classamongAfricans who cooperated with the British and
support colonialism while direct rule did not create puppets.
rule need man power while indirect needed small European man power.
summary, there many different between direct and indirect rule some of them are
Direct rule was used by the German while indirect rule was used by
British,Direct rule was much difficult to manage because of language problems while
indirect was easy to manage,Indirect rule created puppet class among Africans
who cooperated with the British and support colonialism while direct
rule did not create puppets and the like.
20. Why Mozambique attained her independence through armed struggle? (give six points)
Armed struggle is the struggle of freedom though the use of weapons some African countries used means in their indepence struggle. The following were reasons as to why Mozambique attained her indepence through armed struggle.
Failures of other methods of liberation; other
methods like peaceful means and constitution means failed hence the armed
struggle became the last method for getting independence from colonialists.
The role of pan Africans; this
played a big role especially after shifting her headquarters from the new world
to Africa. It ensured liberation of African nations by all means example
The unwillingness of the colonial power to
grant independence; some colonial powers were unwilling to grant
independence for example the Portugal and British were not willing to grant
independence to their colonies hence Mozambique decided to use armed struggle
to liberate themselves.
Intensive exploitation; after
the Second World War the colonialists increased exploitation to the Africans
resources to revamp their ruined economies. This situation awakened the
Africans against the colonialists as a result they used all means to liberate
The influence of front-line states; these
provided military and manpower support to the anti-colonial struggle in Africa
e.g. Tanganyika during the struggle in south Africa and Namibia.
Emergence of cold war after 1945; this was
the struggle between USA and USSR, where by every bloc wanted to win more
countries in Africa so as to spread their political ideologies of socialism or
capitalism, this witnessed the giving up weapons to fight the colonialists.
In summary, there many reasons
that made Zimbabwe to use armed
struggle, some of them are Intensive exploitation, Emergence of cold war
after 1945, The unwillingness of the colonial power to grant
independence, Failures of other methods of liberation and the like.
21. Examine six
problems encountered by the Africans during mass nationalism in Africa.
African nationalism refers to
the desire of African people to desire of African
People to dismantle the foreign
domination’s nationalism started in
19thc to 20thc.
Problems of mass nationalism
Lack of strong leader
Tribalism e.g.
Poor infrastructure
Presence of settler
in colonies e.g. Kenya and Zimbabwe
Mass illiteracy
Poor fighting techniques
22. Discuss the impacts
of Dutch
settlement at the cape by giving six points.
Impacts of Dutch settlement
Ngoni migration
Shortage of land
Introduction of new
crops e.g. apple
Introduction of new
Land foundation of
British occupation
Occurrence of
frequence war.
The first non-exploitative mode of production is known as primitive was the first mode production in which there is no development and people depended on hunting and gathering.
of the first non-exploitative mode of production
level of science and technology
of classes
of exploitation of man by man
level of development
depended on hunting and gathering
of crude tools (made of stones and sticks.
24. Elaborate six techniques used by
colonialist to obtain labourers during the colonial period
Techniques used by colonialist to
obtain labourers during colonial rule
of colonial instruments for example police, prison
of laws and ordinance like in Kenya
of migrant labour
25. Analyse the problems experienced during the struggle for independence in Tanganyika
experienced during the struggle for independence in Tanganyika
of strong and committed leader
fighting tactics and techniques
of few educated elites
from colonial government
26. Discuss
six contribution of the agents of colonialism to the colonization of Africa
Colonial agents are the forerunners who came in Africa so as to pave the way to colonialism. Or are the forerunners who came in Africa toward their mother country so as to colonialism. Examples of colonial agents are captain cook john Rebman John Krapf, Carl peters and vasco da Gamma. The following are the contribution of agent of colonialism to the colonialism of Africa.
provided important information on strategic importance of Africa. Example fertile land,
availability of market (Nigeria), area for
resistance, navigable rivers e.g. Nile and Niger.
draw the map of Africa.
So as to ease the penetration of colonialist to Africa.
evangelize Africans through Christianity as to make them accept
colonialism through teaching them loyalty and obedience.
provided education to some
order to create few Africans who will support them in administration and other activities
e.g. Junion officers and clerks.
built road and railway.
This made them easy to facilitate colonialist to penetrate to the interior of
They built schools. So as to train skilled workers who will support them in agriculture production so as to maximize profit.
In summary there many contributions of colonial agents to the colonialism of Africa some of them are They built road and railway, they draw the map of Africa, they provided important information on strategic importance of Africa, they built schools and the like.
27. With
examples show how the establishment of colonial
economy affected the African societies
(Give six points)
economy refers to the system of production and consumption
which were introduced in the colonies by the colonialists in
order to fulfill their economic demands such as raw materials,
markets, area for investment and areas for settlement.
Effects of colonial economy
to African society
of local trading system
of Africa resources e.g. Labour and minerals
of local industries
28. Inherited problems from colonial past are major hindrances to the development of Africa after independence. Justify this statement by giving six points
Problems facing African
societies after independence inherited from
colonial past.
development e.g. They developed some areas while others left behind.
of strong committed leaders, they
trained few Africans
stagnation, they
destruct local industries through shaping hands, agriculture engaged colonial
29. Explain six effects of the pre- colonial contacts between the people of Africa
and Asia
of the pre- colonial contacts between the people of Africa and Asia
was exposed in the external world
to the rise and growth of coastal states e.g. kilwa, Zanzibar, Mombasa and
exchange e.g. Foreigners obtained valuable from Africa such as gold, ivory
animal skin and exchanged with less value goods like clothes, guns, beads,
alcohol etc.
interfered the African culture eg religion
which resulted to emergence of new race ie. Mutatoes
to the introduction of new crops such as Cassava, Maize.
30. Elaborate
six reasons which made Boers to escape the
Southern African cape between 1830 and 1850
Reasons which made Boers to
escape the Southern African cape between 1830 and 1850
of English language as an official language
influence of the missionaries; e.g. The activities done by missionaries angered
the Boers e.g. Abolition of slave trade
introduction of court for Boers and Africans
of the major means of production by British annoyed the Boers escaped to the
increase of restrictive policies of the British government. Eg the old system
of owning the land freely was banned by introducing land tenure where the Boers
could not manage to own
31. Analyse
six methods
that were used by the imperialists in imposing colonial rule of Africa
Colonialism refers to a situation whereby
strong nations dominate weak ones economically, politically, militarily or
culturally. Africa was subjected to colonialism in the 2nd half of 19th century
as European powers acquired full control over African countries by 1900 and
extended their colonial rule to the entire continent with the exclusion of
Ethiopia and Liberia.The
following are the methods that were used by the imperialists in imposing
colonial rule of Africa;
use of force or military techniques
use of gun boat diplomacy
use of bogus treaties e.g. Karl peters vs Chief mongongo of msovero
use of collaborations
use of intimidation aimed creating fear among the Africans by colonialists
through demonstrating their military strength bear the ruler’s settlement.
the use of missionaries, these were the trained independence troupe to be hired
for any operation.
32. How
were the east African colonies affected by the first world war? Give six points to support your answer
of people;
thousands of Africans were killed in the battle while others died of diseases
and famine.
overseas trade stopped
of cost sharing in Africa
e.g. health services
of more infrastructures
e.g. roads, railways, school etc.
of exploitations
e.g. Taxation, long working hours.
shift of colonial power in Africa
e.g. after the war German’s colonies in Africa were taken by victorious powers e.g.
Tanganyika was taken by British.
33. Examine six factors which enabled Tanganyika to attain her independence earlier than Kenya.
factors which enabled Tanganyika
to attain her independence earlier than Kenya.
The use of Swahili language which united people of
The role of good leadership of mwalimu Nyerere
Absence of stiff tribalism in Tanganyika comparing
to Kenya and Uganda
Tanganyika was under trusteeship, in which British
was given this colony for the short time
Tanganyika had no many settlers like Kenya, where
settler economy dominated hence it was difficult for Europeans to grand
independence earlier.
The role played by Richard Turnbull (the last
governor in Tanganyika), he complained Tanganyika to get her independence and
become a sovereign state.
34. “Migrant labourers were very useful to the capitalist during colonial economy in Africa “substantiate this statement by giving six points.
Migrant labour, casual and unskilled workers who move about systematically
from one region to another offering their services on a temporary, usually seasonal, basis. Migrant labour in various forms is found in South Africa, the Middle East.
labourers were very useful to the capitalist during colonial economy in Africa
in the following ways: -
labour were cheap, because
they were lowly paid
laboour were used to avoid resistance;
as they were from different places with different historical background.
labour ensured constant supply of labour, as they were from different areas and they were not
able to run.
labour made collection of tax easy.
was easy to control them; as
they were under compass.
was very productive;
since they had no to look after.